10 research outputs found

    Balanced Allocations and Double Hashing

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    Double hashing has recently found more common usage in schemes that use multiple hash functions. In double hashing, for an item xx, one generates two hash values f(x)f(x) and g(x)g(x), and then uses combinations (f(x)+kg(x)) mod n(f(x) +k g(x)) \bmod n for k=0,1,2,...k=0,1,2,... to generate multiple hash values from the initial two. We first perform an empirical study showing that, surprisingly, the performance difference between double hashing and fully random hashing appears negligible in the standard balanced allocation paradigm, where each item is placed in the least loaded of dd choices, as well as several related variants. We then provide theoretical results that explain the behavior of double hashing in this context.Comment: Further updated, small improvements/typos fixe

    Interactive Termination Proofs Using Termination Cores

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    Abstract. Recent advances in termination analysis have yielded new methods and tools that are highly automatic. However, when they fail, even experts have difficulty understanding why and determining how to proceed. In this paper, we address the issue of building termination analysis engines that are both highly automatic and easy to use in an interactive setting. We consider the problem in the context of ACL2, which has a first-order, functional programming language. We introduce the notion of a termination core, a simplification of the program under consideration which consists of a single loop that the termination engine cannot handle. We show how to extend the Size Change Termination (SCT) algorithm so that it generates termination cores when it fails to prove termination, with no increase to its complexity. We show how to integrate this into the Calling Context Graph (CCG) termination analysis, a powerful SCT-based automatic termination analysis that is part of the ACL2 Sedan. We also present several new, convenient ways of allowing users to interface with the CCG analysis, in order to guide it to a termination proof.

    Cache-, Hash- and Space-Efficient Bloom Filters

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    Less hashing, same performance: Building a better bloom filter

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    ABSTRACT: A standard technique from the hashing literature is to use two hash functions h1(x) and h2(x) to simulate additional hash functions of the form gi(x) = h1(x) + ih2(x). We demonstrate that this technique can be usefully applied to Bloom filters and related data structures. Specifically, only two hash functions are necessary to effectively implement a Bloom filter without any loss in the asymptotic false positive probability. This leads to less computation and potentially less need fo

    Fast, All-Purpose State Storage

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    Existing techniques for approximate storage of visited states in a model checker are too special-purpose and too DRAM-intensive. Bitstate hashing, based on Bloom filters, is good for exploring most of very large state spaces, and hash compaction is good for high-assurance verification of more tractable problems. We describe a scheme that is good at both, because it adapts at run time to the number of states visited. It does this within a fixed memory space and with remarkable speed and accuracy. In many cases, it is faster than existing techniques, because it only ever requires one random access to main memory per operation; existing techniques require several to have good accuracy. Adapting to accomodate more states happens in place using streaming access to memory; traditional rehashing would require extra space, random memory accesses, and hash computation. The structure can also incorporate search stack matching for partial-order reductions, saving the need for extra resources dedicated to an additional structure. Our scheme is well-suited for a future in which random accesses to memory are more of a limiting factor than the size of memory

    An incremental heap canonicalization algorithm

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    Abstract. The most expensive operation in explicit state model checking is the hash computation required to store the explored states in a hash table. One way to reduce this computation is to compute the hash incrementally by only processing those portions of the state that are modified in a transition. This paper presents an incremental heap canonicalization algorithm that aids in such an incremental hash computation. Like existing heap canonicalization algorithms, the incremental algorithm reduces the state space explored by detecting heap symmetries. On the other hand, the algorithm ensures that for small changes in the heap the resulting canonical representations differ only by relatively small amounts. This reduces the amount of hash computation a model checker has to perform after every transition, resulting in significant speedup of state space exploration. This paper describes the algorithm and its implementation in two explicit state model checkers, CMC and Zing.

    All-Termination(T) ⋆

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    Abstract. We introduce the All-Termination(T) problem: given a termination solver T and a collection of functions F, find every subset of the formal parameters to F whose consideration is sufficient to show, using T, that F terminates. An important and motivating application is enhancing theorem proving systems by constructing the set of strongest induction schemes for F, modulo T. These schemes can be derived from the set of termination cores, the minimal sets returned by All-Termination(T), without any reference to an explicit measure function. We study the All-Termination(T) problem as applied to the size-change termination analysis (SCT), a PSpace-complete problem that underlies many termination solvers. Surprisingly, we show that All-Termination(SCT) is also PSpace-complete, even though it substantially generalizes SCT. We develop a practical algorithm for All-Termination(SCT), and show experimentally that on the ACL2 regression suite (whose size is over 100MB) our algorithm generates stronger induction schemes on 90 % of multiargument functions.